Excerpts from Department of Labour’s “Preventing Falls From Height” Factsheet
The Entire Factsheet Can Be Downloaded Here
Be Safe Working On Roofs
Everyone is responsible for preventing falls
when working on a roof – the principal, the
self-employed contractor and subcontractor, the
employer and the worker.
Health and safety in the workplace starts when the decision
is made to go ahead with a construction job. All aspects of
working safely at height should be considered.
The Department of Labour’s investigations into construction
falls from height show:
• more than 50% of falls are from less than 3m
• approximately 70% of falls are from ladders and roofs
The cost of falls from height in construction has been
estimated at $24 million a year. The financial and human cost
is simply too high.
Edge Protection
Edge protection should be used as a means of isolating
workers from a fall where the hazard of working at height
cannot be eliminated. This includes single-storey buildings and
structures, even if less than 3m.
If this is not achievable, then using scaffolding or working in
elevating work platforms or temporary work platforms are
more acceptable alternatives.
Provide edge protection on all the exposed edges of a roof,
including the perimeter of buildings, skylights or other fragile
roof materials, and any openings in the roof. This also applies
to openings and edges of floor areas.
Where there is the risk of workers falling through openings in
a roof, the openings should be covered securely and designed
to withstand any loads that may be applied to the cover.
Make sure there is a fall protection method that all people can
use when working on the same roof.